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Compress PDFs. Save Storage and Data Volume!

With PDF-compress, you can efficiently reduce the file size of your PDFs, save storage space and bandwidth, and optimize your documents for faster exchange.

Losslessly compress contained images
Application of MRC Optimization Technology
Remove blank pages, unnecessary content, and annotations
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Compress PDFs quickly and efficiently for more space and less bandwidth!

PDF-compress: Compresses your PDF files reliably and in the best possible way

The PDF format is ideal for presenting and sharing complex texts, diagrams, graphics and forms. However, PDF files are therefore often very extensive, which in turn is actually a knockout criterion for sharing.

With PDF-compress you can optimize your PDF files so that they do not take up more storage space than absolutely necessary. Depending on the structure and content of the PDF document, compression rates of up to 95% can be achieved. In a test with over 1,000 randomly selected PDF files from different sources, an average compression rate of almost 50% was achieved.

PDF-compress uses different approaches for compression. For example, images contained in the document can be compressed losslessly, special optimization technology (MRC) can be applied, and blank pages and annotations can be removed from the PDF structure. Optionally, the image quality can also be reduced in several stages and an optimization for the display on the web can be carried out.

Reliable Compression of Your PDF Files

Particularly when sharing documents, the PDF format has established itself as the standard in recent years. Today, it is used not only by companies but also by numerous private individuals who, for example, want to send letters to authorities. The PDF format can be used for sharing various types of content. It is particularly suitable for forms, graphics, and even diagrams. However, one drawback of most PDF files is their size. With PDF-Compress, you can easily compress your PDF files as needed. Our modern software guarantees easy handling and ensures that you can reduce the file size without much effort.

Use of Modern Technologies

PDF-Compress is modern software that meets the extensive requirements for PDF compression. You can rely on a high level of security. The compression with PDF-Compress is largely lossless. Compression rates of up to 95 percent can be achieved. The decisive factor is always how your PDF document is structured and what content it contains. Although our software impresses with its ease of use, it is based on the use of modern technologies. This allows us to guarantee you a high level of security.

Optimization without changing the Appearance

To compress a PDF file, our program PDF-Compress works with various approaches. On the one hand, it ensures that any empty pages and unnecessary characters that may be present are reliably removed from PDF files, and the structure of the PDF document is optimized without changing the presentation. On the other hand, it is also possible to specifically reduce the size of existing images. Furthermore, you can use the software in conjunction with various Windows versions. Reduce your files now with PDF-Compress!

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Professional Edition (24.90 USD)
14-day trial version
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Technical Specifications
Product PDF-compress
About Product
14-day trial version
Supported Languages:
English German Italian Russian Arab
Release Date:
January 29, 2025
System Requirements
Intel compatible
2 GB minimum (4 GB recommended)
Hard Disk:
50 MB
Operating Systems:
(32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2016/2019, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008
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